
Basic civil engineering formulas
Basic civil engineering formulas

basic civil engineering formulas

Besides, it can also be utilized by other engineering disciplines as well as the non-engineering students especially while handling water resources management project. Here, it can act as a quick reference for students for the important formulas that are extremely useful for the chapter concerned under hydraulics subject of civil engineering.

basic civil engineering formulas

HydraFOC will enable civil engineering students to search for formulas and equations of fundamental of fluid mechanics and hydraulics of civil engineering courses by using text. Hence, since engineering is a discipline with its own formulas and equations, we address this issue by designing and presenting Hydraulic Formula in Civil Engineering (HydraFOC), a civil engineering-focused digital repository specifically for civil engineering formulas and equations. In fact, the available online formulas are uncategorized and unfocused which lead to the problem of information overload. There are great volumes of formulas from diverse fields available in the Internet, yet searching for engineering-focused formulas and equations in digital form using online tools is still limited. The fundamental elements utilized in most engineering courses are numbers of diagrams, concepts together with formulas and equations. Abstract:Engineering is a very dynamic and versatile field where the students need technological innovation, analytical brain and fresh ideas, and cannot rely solely on conventional methods in grasping existing theories and concepts.

Basic civil engineering formulas